
How To Get Rid Of Slugs On Hostas

It's one affair having to battle to keep slugs from eating our garden plants, but how do we stop slugs in the house? How can we become rid of slugs indoors if they accept constitute their way in? We consulted Hayley Jones, entomologist at the RHS, and asked for her communication on how to stop slugs getting in the house.

Which slugs are probable to come up in the house?

Hayley tells us which slug to keep an center out for. "The slug that is usually the culprit in indoor sightings is the Yellow Cellar Slug 'Limacus Flavus', which is a medium sized slug (upwardly to 13cm long), slender with pale mottling on a yellow, green or tan body."

Recollect that slugs don't take whatsoever basic so they are able to skid through fifty-fifty very small holes.

Why do slugs come up indoors? What are they attracted to?

Slugs will come inside for something they need, likely warmth or shade. So, knowing what attracts them could assist keep them at bay. "The Yellow Cellar slug mostly eats mould and algae but can also be found eating leftovers, pet food and compost.

"It is attracted to dark damp refuges such every bit vents and drains. It is strictly nocturnal, which is why often only the mucous trails are seen in unexpected indoor places, the slug having already retreated past the forenoon."

How to stop slugs coming into the business firm

If you notice a slimy slug trail, use a torch to highlight the path and runway it back to its entrance indicate into the business firm.

For external doors, block gaps with a draught excluder.

For larger gaps and cracks, block with a more permanent foam filler. See products below.

Hayley highlights that "stopping slugs coming inside tin can be a bit catchy. The obvious solution is to block upwardly the road, but if that is an old fashioned vent or something like that information technology may not be possible."

How to get rid of slugs

1. Copper tape

Copper tape is a well-known way to protect plants and pots from slugs and snails in the garden only it tin can also exist used indoors. The texture of the record creates a small-scale charge when the slugs touch information technology which doesn't harm them but does deter them.

"Within, you lot could use some of the barriers recommended for protecting pots, one that would suit this utilize well is copper tape," says Hayley.

2. Table salt

If y'all have found a slug trail in your kitchen or bathroom, trace it back to the entry point and make full it with table salt to deter them slugs coming through the pigsty once again.

"Salt tin can be a very good barrier," says Hayley. "But this volition only exist worth it if yous can create the bulwark somewhere dry, otherwise it volition wash abroad quickly and may brand the soil in the nearby area, or the surface, also salty."

3. Ducks and slug predators in the garden

"A great thing to think nigh is how you can make your garden more friendly to the natural predators of slugs and snails," Hayley explains. "Provide food and water for birds, and install a 'hedgehog highway' hole if yous don't have one already. A swimming is a great wild fauna-friendly addition to a garden, and will attract frogs and toads that volition help keep your slug numbers down."

A great natural predator of slugs is ducks – although they will too eat your lettuce seedlings and then keep them protected until the plants have matured.

We did a bit more research and establish a couple more helpful products that claim to assistance preclude slugs coming inside the firm:

4. Slug trap

Slug trap often lure in the brute using beer or a sugary liquid. Once inside, they find information technology hard to navigate their way back out again. This tin can be a humane way to become rid of slugs in the house but make sure you lot empty the trap far enough away for yous firm so they won't come back in. You can too make your own beer trap by filling a container one-half total with beer and leaving is about a trouble area. You cannot guarantee the slugs will survive if using a bootleg trap.

5. Wool pellets

Wool pellets are a great organic way to deter slugs in the garden and they can as well exist used to cake entry points into the house. Wool is a natural material so is not harmful and it breaks down naturally.

6. Sharp barriers

The soft body of a slug finds it uncomfortable to travel over crude surfaces to creating a natural barrier using egg shells or garden cuttings can exist effective.

vii. Plant slug repelling plants

Astrantia gives off a odour that repels slugs and snails and so acts as a natural pesticide. Wormwood, rue, fennel, anise and rosemary all take the same effect.

8. Put upwardly bird feeders

Encouraging birds into your garden who casualty on slugs is a not bad natural repellent. Information technology will improve the biodiversity of your garden as well as making it less likely slugs will enter your home. Here's our selection of ix squirrel-proof bird feeders for your garden.

9. Reseal windows and doors

Survey the windows and doors in your house and reseal any areas that may have become loose and created holes.

x. Diatomaceous earth (silicon dioxide)

The proper name of this substance might go far sound serious and harmful but diatomaceous globe is a type of silica that works past drawing out oils in insects and and then drying them out. It can be an irritant for humans so avoid breathing it in.

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